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Metin2 – Fishing Guide

Fishing in Metin2: Guide and tips

Fishing in the MMORPG Metin2 has always been a popular side activity. People fish to get valuable fish, shells, or pearls. Read this guide to the end to learn the important info about fishing in Metin2.

How to fish in Metin2

In order to start fishing, you must first buy a fishing rod from the fisherman NPC for 5000 Metin2 Yang. To equip the fishing rod, your character must have reached level 30.

To cast the fishing rod, you will also need to use a bait. You can use either worms or paste as bait. Both items are also available at the fisherman you trust.

After you have bought the necessary items, you can start. First you equip the fishing rod with a right click. After that you can equip a bait in your inventory with a right click and cast the fishing rod with the space bar.

Now the “catch game” window will open. To catch something, you must “hit” the small fish in the inner circle three times within 15 seconds, so that you have a chance to catch it.

Metin2 Fishing Guide


Buy a fish ball for 2000 yang, then you can see which fish is hooked. After the catch symbol appears above the character, the chat window will tell you which fish or item it is.

Metin2 Fishing Guide

The fishing rod

You can level up your fishing rod in Metin2 by collecting points. The difficulty of getting a point increase with each level of the fishing rod. The maximum level of a fishing rod is +20. To improve your fishing rod, you must reach the required number of points and then you can improve the fishing rod at the fisherman. The better your fishing rod is, the better fish or items you can get by fishing! However, it can happen that the improvement of your fishing rod fails. The chance to improve your fishing rod decreases with each level.

Desired fish and items

To be able to use and stack the fish, you have to kill them with a right click. There are several scenarios possible when killing a fish:

– Your fish dies, and the dead fish remains in your inventory.

– Your fish disappears into the depths of the water and is also no longer in your inventory

– You get bones

– You get a shell

Many players fish to earn a little extra Yang in Metin2. There is a chance to get a shell from the fish and pearls from the shells. It is also possible to get the mermaid key for the mermaid chest, among other things. In this chest are the materials for crafting a carbon fishing rod. This is comparable to a level 20 fishing rod.

However, it is not only the items that can be fished or pulled from the fish that are coveted. Some fish can be very useful to your character when grilled due to their buff properties. For example, yabbie crab can give you a 100% EXP bonus for 30 minutes. The campfire needed for grilling can be bought from the fisherman for 20000 yang.

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